Saturday, July 2, 2011

26 Weeks!

It is hard to believe that I am not far from only have 3 months left of this pregnancy! Where has the time gone? I know-to house showings and three year old watching :) Overall, I still feel pretty good. I have had slight nausea back this past week, but I really think it is because I am so worried about all the house stuff. I went to the doctor Thursday for my glucose test, and I didn't hear anything back (no news is good news). I gasped a little when I got on the scale, but my doctor reminded me the weight gain was for a noble cause!

I also think that when I posted recently about Parker being pretty calm in the belly that I jinxed myself. The past couple of weeks he has been a MAD man in my belly. I do enjoy feeling him move around and knowing he is doing okay! He was very busy for the doctor and he could hardly get a good heart rate measure. I am measuring right on schedule, so things are looking good for the beginning of October.

Here is my other "baby" wanting to be a part of the pictures!

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