Sunday, September 23, 2012

Happy First Birthday Parker!

Happy Birthday Parker James!  It is hard to believe that, a year ago today, I was just getting to see you for the first time.  What a happy day that was, and what happy days we have had since!  

Yesterday, we celebrated with friends and family at a first birthday carnival.  I was so sad the wind was so strong, and it was cold, because I wanted to use our backyard for games and eating.  We made inside work, though.  Although crazy, I think the party was a success!  Popcorn, cotton candy, Carter dogs, cupcakes, peanuts, prizes...lots of fun!

My sweet little guy!

Gotta love Lily-my sister had her hair done and then she decided she needed her Muncie Central sweatband :)

Thanks to Jeanie for her icing skills!

I think having the Carter Hot Dog Man at the party was a HUGE success!

Thanks to all of our terrific face painters!

Not sure what to make of all the singing.

Maybe eating is this was will be easier?!

Andrew wanted cake too!

Evan looks good on the four-wheeler!

Thanks to everyone who celebrated with us yesterday!  We are so grateful that you were able to share in this special day.  Thanks to Megan for taking all the pictures.  I would have no memories if it weren't for you :)