Friday, September 30, 2011

One Week Old

Parker is already one week old! When he left the hospital, he was down to 7.5 lbs. Earlier this week, he was back up to 7.8 lbs, so we are on the right track with eating. He eats around every 2-3 hours and is doing well with it! He is a pretty low key baby-mostly eating, sleeping, and using the bathroom. He DOES NOT like to have his diaper changed because he hates being undressed and cold. That is one of the only times he screams loudly!

Lily is doing pretty good with the new addition. She is definitely very clingy to me, but I know it is just because of the changes going on. I hope it gets better as we settle into a new routine.

Jeff went to Vevay tonight to go to his hunting cabin with Pat and Sean, so we will see how it goes by myself. So far, both kids have been cleaned up for bed and are winding down. It is hard with out the extra set of hands, but I better get used to taking care of two kids.

Here are a few pictures from the last couple days...

Here are 4 of the 6 Quinn grandkids...

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

More Parker

We are settling in at home. Lily is very excited about her new brother and wants to help out and hold him as much as she can. She has had moments of jealousy because she doesn't understand why I can't play with her all the time! Parker and I are adjusting to little sleep and working on feeding. He goes to his doctor today to be checked out for his normal first visit.

Here are some more pictures from his first couple of days. We are lucky to have so many friends and family members checking in on us. We are so in love with our new little man!

We were finally going home!

Here are the Greiner cousins :) Lily, Ty, Nolan and Parker.

Eric Moss and his family gave Lily a Barbie jeep that their daughter out grew. She is loving it!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Parker James Quinn

Our son is here! I only have a minute, but I wanted to post so I remember this time. Thursday after school I went for my doctor's appointment. I was still only about 3 cm dilated, and I was a little discouraged. Dr. Sutton said not to be worried because I could be holding a baby the next day (little did I know...).

After the appointment, I came home and Lily and I ran around the backyard and played. Then, I went to make pasta for our team fundraiser dinner on Friday. I got home around 9:45 and watched tv and fell asleep feeling pretty normal. Around 1:30 am, I woke up to go to the bathroom and had trouble getting back to sleep. More painful contractions started about an hour later and, by 3:45 am, I was waking Jeff up to say I was showering because we might be going to the hospital. After calling my mom to ask her what I should do (because moms know everything!), I called the doctor. Dr. Sutton, who I saw the day before, told me to go get checked.

I woke Jeff up and he showered. The contractions were getting more unbearable, so I was happy to get to the hospital around 5:00 am. They hooked me up to the monitors and checked me. I was afraid that they may say I was only 3 cm still, but I was actually 7 cm. They quickly got me into a labor/delivery room and filled me with fluids so I could get an epidural. By around 6:30, the doctor broke my water and it was time to start pushing. The pushing was intense because I felt like I was getting nowhere. Luckily, the hard work paid off and by 7:33 am, I was holding my sweet baby boy!

My mom, Jeff's mom, and Jeff were all there for his arrival. It was surreal and exciting to finally see him. I can't believe I was only at the hospital for 2.5 hours! Here are some pictures of his first moments. I will post more information soon!

Parker James
7:33 am
8 lbs 3 oz
21 inches

Monday, September 19, 2011

Sprinkled with Love

One of my friends, Jeanie, and my sister, Sarah put on a little sprinkle to celebrate Parker! Everything was so nice, and it was great that we were able to get together for such a good occasion. Lots of my family and friends came to celebrate. I appreciate all the gifts we received. We continue to be spoiled by all of the wonderful people in our lives. Parker is due is less than 3 weeks. Everything is ready now!