Thursday, July 31, 2008

I know! I take too many pictures...

I guess you probably like seeing new pictures or you wouldn't be visiting the website! People say I take too many, but it is fun to capture moments. Lily and I were just enjoying the nice day and the grass! I am trying to soak up as much time as I can with her before the school year begins.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

6 month check-up

Yesterday, Lily visited Dr. Byrn for her well baby check-up. She was 17.95 pounds and 26 3/4 inches long. Her head was 17 inches. She is in the 75-90% for all areas (he said that she was doing fine!). We are still working on sleeping and have resorted to playing radio static. It has been working, so we hope it starts a trend of full night sleeping!! Lily also started eating baby food. Along with cereal, she has had sweet potatoes and carrots. The doctor also told us to give her prunes each day to help with bathroom issues! She also has been given a sippy cup to try and drink juice out of, but she would rather bang it around for fun.

Lydgia has to return to work on August 11th (boo!). Jeff continues to work long, hard days, so he hasn't gotten to enjoy much summer.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Mounds State Park

olivia and aidan playing in the water

grumpy moment for lil

lounging nana

bev and ron

olivia playing

johnathon, olivia, ron, aidan

lucia eating skittles

Sunday, we ventured to Mounds State Park (Lydgia's fifth trip there of the week because of cross country camp). We were celebrating cousin Elizabeth's birthday with family. Jason, Maria, Lucia, Nana, Joe, John, Lisa, Megan, Matt, Val, Aidan, Caleb, Emma, Ron, Bev, Ana, Mara, and Olivia all played at the pool. It was a lot of fun spending some summer time with everyone. Thanks for inviting us!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Weekend Fun!

double kid duty
ohhhh fun

camera shy

splashin' fool

give me a kiss

mommy and ty's first swim

isn't he a handsome little man?

uncle steve given' love

lucia cheesin'

What would a weekend be without a little family time? Uncle Stephen, Aunt Hannah, Mimi, Papaw Jim, Aunt Sarah, cousin Ty, and even Lucia, Maria, and Jason spent a little time with us. We went swimming for Ty's first big pool experience. The summer will be gone before we know it, so we are trying to have as much fun as possible!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

6 Months Old!

can you believe I am six months old?

sitting pretty

my big, blue eyes

posing for the camera

look at my funny face

Can you believe it? Lily is 6 months old! We cannot believe how much our baby girl has changed over the last half year. She is more than we could have ever hoped for. Everytime she smiles, we know we must be doing something right! We are blessed to have such a healthy baby in our lives. She can sit up by herself for a shorts amount of time. She does great getting on her belly and rolling for side to side. She loves her feet and hands. She is also starting to be quite the ham and realizes when people are laughing at her! Her facial expressions are endless and keep us amused!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun!

you wanna piece of me?


graduation guy and caitlyn


aunt holly

baby cate

dan and grandpa klump working on a game plan

bad shot jeff

Today, we celebrated Tony's (Jeff's brother) graduation from Ball State. We went to Grandpa and Grandma Quinn's and visited with family and friends. Uncle Dan, Aunt Jen, and cousin Caitlyn came to town. Both girls were fun to watch, rolling on the floor together and giving us smiles! Aunt Holly and Uncle Eric were also here all the way from Minnesota (we got to see Holly's growing belly too!). Congrats to Tony and best of luck with the job search.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Just having fun...

i really want this pretzel...

mmmm....i got a taste!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Splishin' and Splashin'

playing in the shade

pooped out

water baby

no one will mistake me for a boy in this headband!

the girls

hillary and brittney

The cross country team met at the Quinns' today to run and swim. We had a great time cooling off in the pool. Lily was able to float around in her new water raft.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Some more firsts...

not sure about cereal

lily's new toy

Lily is growing up! She tried cereal for the first time. She doesn't really like it. She also got a new exersaucer...tons of fun, and it keeps her very stimulated with all the crazy toys. We aren't sure, but we might be seeing some teeth soon. She has been chewing on everything (and is a little cranky).

Lydgia is finishing up a graduate school class and will then get to relax and enjoy some of summer. Thanks to Mimi, Hannah, Grandma Chris and Jeff for helping out with Lily. Jeff is very busy with work, but he will get to be home with the girls on the fourth of July! Family time! The Quinn household (including the dogs) will be very happy when the fireworks are over. They have been keeping us up for months now.