Thursday, March 29, 2012

Spring Break

This week is my spring break from school. It really hasn't felt like much of a "break," but I am enjoying my time at home nonetheless! Parker went to Prime Time on Tuesday night because he has been feeling bad. He had a slight ear infection, so he is on an antibiotic now. He has been very fussy and clingy, which makes getting anything done near impossible. I am hoping he gets to feeling like himself again soon.

Monday, Callie and Evan, my niece and nephew, visited for a bit. It was great to see them. Evan is all over the place! He is standing on everything. I can't believe he will be a year old in a few short months. Tuesday, we met my MIL and niece and nephew at the children's museum. We played a short time and went to McDonald's. Yesterday was story time in Yorktown. I was glad to get to go (makes me excited to have the whole summer off). Today, we are playing catch-up at home. Jeff stayed a little extra this morning to give me a couple hours of sleep (God bless him). I need to do laundry and pick-up. Tomorrow, we are planning to go to Monkey Joe's (a bounce house place), and then leave for Vevay tomorrow evening for a short trip. Let's hope Parker cooperates!

I will get pictures tomorrow and of our adventures in Southern Indiana :)

An update: My grams was doing much better the end of last week. I actually got to talk with her. She has taken a turn back down and is mostly sleeping and in and out of it again. I am continuing to pray for her peace.

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