I feel like I have been saying the same thing every post, but things are just as busy as ever! Besides trying to keep up with cross country meets, teaching, and graduate school, I am trying to get some things done at home in preparation for PJ's first birthday. I have come to conclusion that not everything will be done, but it should be fun!
Last week, I decided to do an art project with the kids. I thought it would be nice to have something on the walls in the playroom. So, I bought some canvases and paints and we went to work. It was a complete NIGHTMARE...paint was everywhere, kids were crying, but it is pretty cute! Lily's handy-work is on the top (she liked her paintings dark, hummm) and Parker did the bottom.
We also went the Muncie Central homecoming parade. Although we live in the Yorktown school district and Jeff was a Tiger, Lily is still showing her BEARCAT pride :)
Jeff went to work on reconfiguring some of our backyard stones. The whole back of the house is boring and needs a patio or something, but until we have the funds to do that, we are trying to make it look a little better.
It had some pavers and overgrown bushes. Jeff took them out.

He reused the pavers with mulch and a few new plants to clean it up. Looks better for now.
Parker had a stomach virus last weekend. Lily kept him company when all he wanted to do was sleep. So sweet!
Last night, my cousin got married. We had a lot of fun dancing and seeing family! Lily was a dancing fool :) Thanks to my dad and Uncle Steve for being her dancing partners.
My brothers and sisters. Sarah and I both have on heels and we are still midgets :) Loved having everyone together. I think we make our parents proud!
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