Friday, December 19, 2008

Remembering Fr. Schott

This past Monday, someone very special to me passed away, Fr. Victor Schott. To me, and most of my cousins, he was like a grandpa. He has been a part of my entire life. My grandmother was his housekeeper for many years, and he ended up retiring and living with her until the last few months. Although he was very sick for the last year, it was still hard to hear the news. Sarah, Maria, and I spend many weekends at his rectory in Goodland and have many memories of listening to him say Mass. We spent almost every Sunday morning having breakfast with him and the family at my Nana's house. He would make a mean peanut butter bacon sandwich! He always greeted you with a hug and a smile and an "I love you." I am very happy that he was able to baptize Lily (in our kitchen!) just a few days after her birth. He will be missed. Thanks for everyone's thoughts and prayers. I am sure he is up in heaven hugging all the little kids!

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