the entire Greiner family

our little ham

elizabeth and ty

mara and ty

ripping into uncle steve's package

riding the new toys

dancing on the paper

ohhhhhh my!

what is it?

our entertainment....john

uncle russ, aunt jama, and katie

ty's ornament (he helped color)

lily's ornament (she helped color)

clapping at the tree

the leaning tree

aunt bev and olivia

papaw and nana

aunt lisa and uncle joe

steve, aaron, and angela

new book


lily and ty (ty looks just like sarah here)

proud grandparents

under the mistletoe

with uncle aaron
How exciting! It was Lily's first Christmas Eve at Nana's...what an adventure! I thought that she might poop out early, but once the kids started getting rowdy, so did Lily and Ty. She loved all the paper. She and Ty got toys to ride from Lucia, Maria, and Jason. Ty was so excited...his expressions were priceless! It was great to spend time eating and celebrating with so much family. We were a little sad that Daddy Jeff wasn't around (he was sick at home...booo!)
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