Tomorrow, PJ will be 18 months old! This means in six months he will be TWO! What?! When did this happen?! Although giving us a run for our money most days, he is a true joy. Here are some highlights right now:
At 18 months, Parker...
- is WILD! He is loud and crazy and into everything.
- is ALL BOY! He is a climber and is rough and tough (sometimes too rough and tough). You have to be careful because he will pull your hair and bite your leg.
- is a TALKER! P has quite the vocabulary. I am amazed at how many words he is saying. He tries to repeat lots of things as well. Of course, he still babbles a lot, but we are beginning to make out more.
- is SMART! He is learning his color words and is trying to match them to different objects. He still doesn't understand all the different colors, but he know what is means when we ask, "What color is this?" He is also doing good understanding commands. He can put things in the trash or laundry and pick-up toys. He is also starting to name people in pictures (like his cousins). I love when I say "one" and he says "two!"
- is SLEEPING BETTER! It is still not great, but nights are slowly getting better. After his ear surgery, he has been going down awesome. He is awake when we put him to sleep and he puts himself to sleep with little crying. He still wakes up in the middle of the night, but he has been crying for less time.
- is CLINGY! This is really getting to me because I can't get anything done without him being attached to my leg. He doesn't like to be left with anyone he isn't really familiar with. He would love for me to hold him all evening!
- is TEETHING! This is also making him very whiny. Come on teeth-break through!
- is a HAIR LOVER! If anyone out there likes their hair to be played with, my son is your man! He loves to play in my hair. This is NOT cool at 2 am.
- is SWEET! He really has the best smile, and it melts my heart. He gives hugs and kisses all the time.
- is in love with BUBBLES! When it is bath time, he comes running! He would play in the bath all night if he could.
- is NOT A GOOD EATER! I was spoiled with Lily. P eats nothing but cheese puffs. What can you do? Thank goodness for squeeze fruits and veggies.
- is in love with MUSIC! When music starts, he dances and taps his foot :)
N and P in matching jammies! |
Hanging out while Lily was at tap. |
Love his smile (he loves shoes) |
"Hello?" Anything can be a phone! |
Enjoying bath! Always has time to say "cheee" for a picture! |
Reading a book before bed! |
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