Thursday, January 24, 2013

Happy 5th Birthday Lily Bug!

Warning: This post contains A LOT of pictures!  

As I was doing this post and looking back at all the pictures I have of Lily, it was amazing at how much she has changed but also at how she still has the same beautiful smile and spirit she has had since we brought her home five years ago.  It is unbelievable how one little person can change your life forever.  There is something very special about your first born (and yes, I feel a little cheated since I am the second born!).  Your world is turned upside down when you become a parent for the first time.  Your first child is who you are experiencing all the first parenting moments with (for better or worse).  Lily has been teaching me a lot about myself these last five years, mostly with how to be patient and compassionate no matter what is going on.  I am amazed at the person she is growing into, and there isn't a day that goes by that she doesn't do something that makes me beam with pride.  Yes, we butt heads quite a bit (as I expect this will be happening for many more years), but there is nothing like the love of a daughter!

Happy 5th Birthday to our sweet, sensitive, bossy, loud, happy Lillian Marie!  

I have picked out some of my favorite pictures over the last five years (there are so many, but what did you expect after 5 years?).

Here, she looks just like Parker!


Elaine Welte said...

Happy Birthday Lily!!! (And, I must say, it was quite special seeing many HPA clothes and bows on her in some of your favorite pictures!)

Anonymous said...

She wears a HPA bow just about everyday! I need to order more :)