Happy Valentine's Day! We never do anything super big or romantic on this day, but it is nice to take the time to remember to hug and kiss the ones you love. Here are a couple of my loves this morning...
They love me so much that they were both up at 5 am-that is why they were already decked out and getting a v-day picture at 6 am!
Parker and I attempted a picture before I left for work! Isn't he a doll baby?! I just love him to pieces!
Lily loves cards these days so this day was super exciting for her! She got a card from Jeff and I this morning and a lip sucker. She also had a preschool party and has been looking at all of her cards from there tonight (she is actually asleep with them right now!).

Sarah and I made special valentine's this weekend while she was here. I got the ideas from pinterest. The moms/grandmas go a bag of Teddy Grahams that said "Bear hugs for..." and the dads/grandpas go a bag of M&Ms with a shovel that said "We dig our..."
And because Hannah spends so much of her time playing with and entertaining our children, she got a special bag...
And I attempted and failed at getting a picture of the four kids :)
A special I love you to my parents and in-laws, brothers and sisters and brothers and sisters in- laws, nieces and nephews, grandmas, aunts, uncles, cousins and friends! Thanks for being a special part of our lives. And, if you are reading this, I love you Jeff! Thanks for bringing me Penn Station tonight so I didn't have to cook. I enjoyed our romantic dinner with two screaming kids. I wouldn't have it any other way :)
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