It has been one heck of a week for our household. I posted last about Jeff's accident. Well, Tuesday night, I started having a sharp pain in my side. It was still there Wednesday morning, so, after I got to work, I called my doctor. They said to take it easy (right-I have 27 third graders) and call if it got worse. It did. By 1:00 in the afternoon I was hurting. I was hooked up to a monitor at the doctor's office. I was having some contractions. They checked me and I was 2 cm dilated and 70% effaced. They sent me to the hospital to be monitored. I was having contractions every 2-4 minutes. They gave me medicine and the contractions got further apart. They kept me overnight. By morning, the contractions were less frequent, but my uterus was still irritated (never settling).
I was sent home to be on bed rest until further notice. I am currently 35 weeks, and, at the very least, they would like me to make it to 36 weeks. I will keep getting checked each week, and I guess I will be taking it easy at home for a while!
I am so thankful for the friends and family who have brought meals and helped at my house. I can't imagine trying to take care of myself, Lily, and Jeff without them. Jeff is getting around much better but will most likely be having surgery on Friday to fix his clavicle. I am hoping the baby doesn't come until he is able to be there :) I am staying positive (because things could be worse), but it has been overwhelming to have both of us down.
While I was at the hospital, I was thinking how poorly prepared I was for the baby to come NOW! My sister has been here this weekend, and she has been AWESOME! She has everything ready to go for me. She and my younger sister even worked on the baby's room for me last night.
I missed my 34 week picture last week (my picture man couldn't do it!), so here is one to remember 35 weeks. I look a little rough, but my belly is definitely bigger!
Here are pictures of Parker's room...
The wall decals are so cute! They are from Target and worked well with his IKEA bedding.

I plan on putting his pictures in these frames.
Sarah found the red storage box at Walmart! Love the storage and added color.
Thank you for all the prayers and support. Lets hope Jeff gets through surgery well and that the baby stays put for a bit!
I was sent home to be on bed rest until further notice. I am currently 35 weeks, and, at the very least, they would like me to make it to 36 weeks. I will keep getting checked each week, and I guess I will be taking it easy at home for a while!
I am so thankful for the friends and family who have brought meals and helped at my house. I can't imagine trying to take care of myself, Lily, and Jeff without them. Jeff is getting around much better but will most likely be having surgery on Friday to fix his clavicle. I am hoping the baby doesn't come until he is able to be there :) I am staying positive (because things could be worse), but it has been overwhelming to have both of us down.
While I was at the hospital, I was thinking how poorly prepared I was for the baby to come NOW! My sister has been here this weekend, and she has been AWESOME! She has everything ready to go for me. She and my younger sister even worked on the baby's room for me last night.
I missed my 34 week picture last week (my picture man couldn't do it!), so here is one to remember 35 weeks. I look a little rough, but my belly is definitely bigger!

Here are pictures of Parker's room...
The wall decals are so cute! They are from Target and worked well with his IKEA bedding.

Sarah found the red storage box at Walmart! Love the storage and added color.

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