As you can see, we are in the processing of boxing up our house. For those of you who know me, I really don't keep a lot of things, but I feel like we have TONS of stuff to pack. Maybe it is because I am 30 weeks pregnant, but I am not very motivated!! Jeff was good to help me pack the dining room and start the kitchen this weekend. I have been taking stuff out of closets and boxing that too. We are hoping to close on our new house on Friday (hopefully Monday at the latest) which means we will have possession next week. THEN, I can start taking things and putting them away. My sister will also be here the first weekend of August and I know I will need her organizational skills :) Lily is having a great time in the boxes and enjoys decorating them. She has been marking them with a "Q" for Quinn as well. Whatever keeps her busy. I will keep you all posted on moving to the new house!
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