Shopping...for anything really, especially if it includes clothes for me and Lily!

T.V. I know, I know! I should be reading books or managing finances or cleaning instead, but good television is like therapy.

Sunshine! We are starting to see some, but winter was way too long and recently we have had gloomy, stormy days. Please come out to stay!

Sleeping...I used to take sleep for granted (before child that is). Why didn't I sleep more? I should have saved up. For the past 3+ years, I haven't slept an entire night (unless I have been out of town without Lily). Don't get me wrong. I love her dearly, but this next baby better be a good sleeper!

Target! This goes up with shopping. Target just sucks you in. I leave with things I didn't even know I could use. It all starts with those dollar bins right when you walk in the door.

PIZZA KING! Yum, yum, yum. If you aren't a Muncie native, you may not understand this passion for overpriced pizza. All I can say is Jeff and I ring the king more than we should!
So, random post I know, but here it is anyways! Notice it said "things I love" not "people I love," so all of my favorite people out there-know that you would be on that post!
***PS: Today, we finally had our ISTEP pep rally! I got up and rapped "ISTEP Baby" in front of all the 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders. They better do well on the test next week!
I agree w/ absolutely everything on your list~ and why does so much of our money go to Target???
HEY! this is totally off any subject that you posted on, but how did you get your trackers side by side? I like your layout better than mine ; )
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