Today, I went back to work after having a week off for Spring Break. It is always hard to get back in the swing of things after being at home. I made it :) and even got report cards done before I left today. It is hard to believe that we are starting the fourth (and final) weeks of school. Each year seems to go faster and faster.
Yesterday, I drove with Chris (mother-in-law) and Holly (sister-in-law) to Cincinnati for Jeff's cousin Kelly's baby shower. It was a nice driving day, and I always have fun chatting with Chris and Holly. We got to talk all about babies (Holly is due at the end of May)! Kelly is due at the beginning of May, and we are excited to learn what she is having very soon. Knowing these babies are coming soon will make the end of my school year come very fast!!!
I think the coolest gift that Kelly received yesterday was a "Scentsy Buddy." These are stuffed animals that have scent packs in them. They make the nursery smell good. Kelly received an elephant, but there are others you can order. Here is the website I found if you are looking for a neat gift for someone: I think you actually have to search and find an independent seller. Here is one website I found that sells them:

those are so cute!
I know. I thought I might need to get the giraffe for baby Evan's room!
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