I haven't posted in a while...
Life has been the same old, same old, which is actually pretty comforting. We are done with the first round of ISTEP testing, but are already preparing for the second part in April. I only have one more week before Spring Break. I don't have a lot planned-relaxing, hanging out with Lily, and graduate school. I start my second class of the semester (school finance-yuck!) next week.
Jeff has been busy. As the weather starts to change, we see him less and less :( I am thankful that he has work to do though :) Although, I have requested that at least once or twice a week he is home to eat dinner with us.
Lily is her same, wild self! Three has proven to be both amazing and challenging. She is very stubborn and demanding of what she wants (which causes some head butting most days). I am happy to see her becoming more independent, but it is also sad to see her as a little girl and not a baby. She is getting better at putting her dishes in the sink when she is finished and throwing away trash. She can use the bathroom by herself (scary, but she actually does pretty good). She is also working on dressing and undressing by herself. My friend started a chore chart for her little girl, and I think that is a good idea. I just need to find time to make it!
Lent started on Wednesday (Ash Wednesday), which means meatless Fridays and trying to get centered and focused on some of the important things in life. I am never good about giving anything up. Frankly, there is nothing that important to me. I don't really drink pop and could live without chocolate. SO, I always try to do something extra. This year, I plan on going to the Stations of the Cross every Friday for some extra time of reflection. I did make it last night, so I have started off good! Jeff has even decided to give up Mountain Dew. I am routing for him because he drinks an unhealthy amount! I can't believe we are on our way to Easter already...SPRING!
Last weekend, we celebrated Ty's third b-day. It was fun-baseball pinata and all. This weekend, I have a friend's baby shower, and next week, Lily and I are headed to Dayton to visit with Sarah and Ty. I am going to help her start getting ready for new baby Swan! I CANNOT wait until May when we will have two new babies in the family!!!!
Enjoy your weekend and the week ahead!