I don't post too much at the details of teaching. Mostly this blog highlights my favorite subject-Lily! BUT we have done some fun things are school this week, so I thought I would dedicate a post to my job. In recent weeks, I feel like I have had to do so much test prep. The kids get burnt out, and I get burnt out. This week, I have actually had a chance to do some FUN projects.
We started reading, "How to Eat Fried Worms." Chapter books are one of my favorite parts about teaching reading. We read several great books throughout the year. This book is very funny as the main character is trying to win a bet of eating 15 worms in 15 days.
I have been able to expand our book into "wormy" math activities. Our standards this month focus on graphing and collecting data. Here are some of the activities we have been doing. (And yes-teachers get excited for these things too).
Tuesday, groups sorted, charted, and graphed the contents of a sour gummy worm bag. They had to make a tally chart, bar graph, and pictograph of the different color combinations. We discovered every bag had different amounts of each color. Of course, the kids loved dividing up the worms to eat at the end. (I have great pics of my students, but I didn't want to put any faces on my blog!)
Students are collecting data...
The main character in the story is allowed to use any condiments he wants to eat the worms. Today, I split hot dogs into fourths to make them look like worms. We cooked them and then tried seven different condiments on the hot dog. Students had to select their favorite out of the seven and then we graphed the data.
Condiments were: mustard, ranch, steak sauce, worchestershire, ketchup, horseradish, and BBQ. Ranch was the winner!
Sorry if the school post bores you! My days can be hard and long, so I needed an encouraging job post to help me make it to June 8th!
P.S.: These extra snacks during the day have been nice for my hungry, pregnant self :)