This past week flew by...
Traci, my best friend, is in from Florida. She has a couple photo shoots to do. I was excited to have a running partner. The weather was so great that we were able to run over 30 miles together. Yesterday, we ran all over Muncie in our "Hoosier Hop 20 Miler!" It was a treat to do some training with her before our race next month!
Today, Lily and I have done some Easter art. I decided not to color eggs (truthfully, I just couldn't handle the dye mess today-next year though!). We did some coloring and cut-out activities I found online. She enjoyed them just the same. We also went to the library and played there for a little while this morning.
Holy Week has been a busy one. I really enjoyed Good Friday Mass. I know it sounds a little weird, but music during Lent is my second favorite church music (next to Christmas). I know it is solemn, but it is also comforting in some way. I am excited to celebrate Easter at Mass and with family tomorrow!

she placed on the eggs on the tree by herself...she was even bossy about which colors I should cut out!

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