We made a day trip to Dayton so that my dad could work on a bookshelf he was building for Sarah. While he and Pat worked at their house, my mom, Hannah, Sarah, Ty, Lily, and I went to a children's discovery place to entertain the kiddos. It was really cool! They loved running around to the different places. It was perfect for them! Thanks to Sarah for taking us there!!

the water tables were a big hit!

they went through the crawl tunnels several times while Hannah chased them!

lily was in jail!
her daddy would have been proud of how she maneuvered the truck!

the play shopping center was a highlight-especially for Ty who didn't want to leave!
the place even had an animal exhibit...

lily really enjoyed the snakes

lily is in ty's construction dress-up outfit...looking a lot like daddy here!
They are getting so big! You guys should head over to Columbus sometime and take them to the toddler room at COSI. Daniel loved going there.
See and learn more about Discovery Place and over 75 other sites on Charlotte's Longest-Running Daily City Tour presented by Queen City Tours and Travel!
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