sarah, monica, and I

sister...out without kids :)

cage dancing...need I say more?

too much fun!

teresa and moni

pulled up on stage by becca


the $23 "hurricane" drink that was basically colored vodka

yummy (what you don't see is that we could only drink about 1/4 of it!)

the wild ladies

this is how she feels about marriage! LOL


the young sisters

drink up

becca threw a great party!

look at those WILD earrings
Last night, Sarah and I went to Indy to celebrate Monica Young's upcoming nuptials :) We had a great time at the hotel playing games. Then it was out on the town at Howl at the Moon and Tiki Bob's. We had fun dancing and celebrating with the bride-to-be. Sorry to Monica that I was not able to stay out past 1:00 am! :) I am getting old!
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