Thursday, September 18, 2008

Too big for her britches...

cheering with momma

go hannah!

before race pep talk

good luck hug

note lil's "hair" blowing in the wind

relaxing before the meet

standing on the couch

doing her cackle laugh

showing off by taking one hand off-look at the belly!

attacking the camera lady (mom)

It has been busy as usual at the Quinn household. Lily went to her first couple cross country meets this week (Tuesday she watched my team win the city meet and Thursday she watched Hannah run in her first meet). She loves the outdoors, so of course she had fun. You know if I have anything to do with it we will have a future running star in the fam! Lil is also getting around the house very well. She loves standing up on the couch and on her jumping toy. She can also "walk" around the sides of her playpen. It is fun to watch her discover her own strength.

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