Monday, September 29, 2008

8 Month Pictures by Megan


should I eat this?

kissing back

looking at her best bud, rigley
sitting in her toy basket

loving on mommy

sweet smile

one of my favorites of the day

momma and lil


hanging around


playing with mommy and uncle steve

uncle steve is fun

standing up

fish face

funny lady

Megan came over today and took some BEAUTIFUL pictures for us! She is so gracious with her time and talent. She took almost 100 pictures, so I narrowed it down to the ones I posted. I thought they were all fantastic, capturing Lily in many different lights. I couldn't decide which outfit to put her in, so she wore both! We hope you enjoy. Oh, if you are wondering why Jeff isn't in them and Steve is-Jeff was napping!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Fall Fun

ready in her track suit

with mommy at her cross country meet

with grandpa pat at bsu homecoming

she spent most of the game under the bleachers

chillin' with aunt hannah

happy to have daddy come home from out of town

this smile makes up for many sleepless nights!

one of the leaves that almost made it into her mouth

The weather has been beautiful, and we have been enjoying the outdoors: cross country meets, football games, and just playing around!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Silly Lily

"What? Are you kidding me?"
if only we really knew what she was thinking in that head of hers!

note the size of this octopus bath toy

now look how she can fit the whole thing in her mouth!

another face I love!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

8 months old!

I can't believe it: Lily is 8 months old! I wanted to post a couple short videos, and I will have a photo shoot when we have more time. Lily started clearly saying "mama" today. I caught a little of it, but she wouldn't do it when I really wanted her to. You can see her crawling up her dresser like a rock climber (sorry the video is sideways...can't fix it). The other video is of her playing with her books. I think it is funny that she always shows them to me when she picks them up. She has been a very happy and content girl since she can get around. She has even slept through the night many days in a row!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Ready for a marathon...okay, maybe a crawlathon!

saying "i love my new shoes!"

pink and gray

styling-paired with her yoga pants (because babies do yoga!)

uses them mainly to kick mommy and daddy

Check out Lily's first running shoes...okay, not necessary, but I couldn't resist! What kind of coach would I be if my own daughter didn't have the right shoes?

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Too big for her britches...

cheering with momma

go hannah!

before race pep talk

good luck hug

note lil's "hair" blowing in the wind

relaxing before the meet

standing on the couch

doing her cackle laugh

showing off by taking one hand off-look at the belly!

attacking the camera lady (mom)

It has been busy as usual at the Quinn household. Lily went to her first couple cross country meets this week (Tuesday she watched my team win the city meet and Thursday she watched Hannah run in her first meet). She loves the outdoors, so of course she had fun. You know if I have anything to do with it we will have a future running star in the fam! Lil is also getting around the house very well. She loves standing up on the couch and on her jumping toy. She can also "walk" around the sides of her playpen. It is fun to watch her discover her own strength.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Keeping Busy

standing in bed...if only she would sleep there

Madelyn and Katelyn...funny cousins!

Maddy being silly

a very out-of-it Lily

Katelyn and her friend Emma

cutie Katelyn in her bug

The weeks seem to fly by and cross country keep me very busy during the days, and a very active Lily keeps us busy at night! She is crawling around like a mad woman and trying to pull herself up on anything she can. She stands in bed and on furniture now. I believe she would be standing and walking if she was strong enough.
Sunday, we visited with Eric, Libby, and Katelyn. They invited us over for a cookout. The house was full of kids (which Lily loved)! Katelyn is growing into a little lady and will son have a little brother to entertain.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

S'mores anyone?

I know some of you out there are shaking your head because Lily is 7 months old and tasting chocolate and marshmellows, but don't worry, she only had a little bit! She is quite the sweets girl. Just like daddy! Thanks to Papaw Jim, Mimi, and Hannah for having us over (we had a fire going and it is 90 degrees)!!