Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Our Little Tapper

My parents got Lil tap lessons for Christmas.  She went once a week starting in January.  It was funny to watch the little kids trying to learn tap moves.  She was so cute (although she may have inherited Jeff's dance skills).  I was proud of how confident she was on stage this weekend during her class performance.  She has requested to do ballet and jazz next.  We will see :)

I thought I was taking video and I guess I wasn't...mom fail :(

And a couple random pictures...
Parker LOVES watching his dad mow the yard.  His is a picture of him watching for Jeff to pass the window !

Sometimes the stars align and my kids get along (for a brief moment anyways)!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

I Wanna Live Where the Green Grass Grows...

The title of this blog is almost as random as everything in it!  I don't have to tell any of you out there how busy life gets.  I have been trying to take things one day at a time, but even one day seems to be filled with craziness!

The good news:  BEAUTIFUL Spring Weather!!  We have been playing outside as much as possible.  After all, why else did we buy a house with this much land?!  The other night we took a family four-wheeler ride.  We have been on bike rides and walks.  Actually, P pitches a fit when we have to go inside.  We also were able to set up the pergola that my sis and BIL gave us from there new house.  After a couple coats of spray paint.  I think it will be a great place to sit and watch the kids play.  We have SO MUCH WORK to do to this house.  One day it will be just as I imagine it!

In other news: I submitted my FINAL grad project this weekend!  In just a few weeks, I will have my Masters Degree in Educational Administration.  I cannot tell you how good it feels to be at the end of this long journey (I started in the summer of '08).

Kindergarten Round-up, really?  Yep, Lil is starting school in the fall.  We had her informational meeting Friday, and she was wishing she could start then :)  Now, we have to get some uniforms ordered.  I don't think I am ready for school responsibilities!  Can't believe how fast time has gone!

Battle Scars: Oh Parker!  All boy and accident prone.  His little trip on the bathroom stool resulted in this: 
Luckily, no stitches and things are healing nicely.  Wonder how many more doctor trips I will be making in his childhood?!

My sister went to prom-I can't believe it!  Last weekend, I helped my little (taller) sister get ready for her Junior prom.  She is so beautiful, and it was fun watching her get ready!  

Here is a random picture of Jeff and I from Easter.  We hardly think to take pictures together, so I was happy my sister snapped this for us.  Hope everyone has a great week!

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Happy Birthday Avery!

Today our sweet niece, Avery, is three years old!  Sending you a big birthday hug from Muncie!!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013


I really have been a pretty pathetic picture taker lately.  Maybe things will slow down one day :)

We hope that everyone had a wonderful Easter.  We enjoyed a beautiful Mass in the morning  (Parker and I enjoyed it from the back of church because he was being a bit rotten).  It was a Mass to celebrate the year anniversary of my Gram's death.  We had breakfast with the Greiners and lunch with the Doyles.  Easter morning, the kiddos found their baskets.  They were both excited.  Lily wanted the Easter bunny to bring dinosaurs (and he came through).  Parker was just happy to shake the eggs.


This is a picture of all the Greiner cousins (Parker, Ty, Nolan, Lily, and Andrew).  Someone needs to have another girl because Lily is outnumbered!