Birthdays are a time to reflect on the past years of your life, right?!! Well, I decided to get out the old photo albums with Lily and show her what I looked like as a child. She got to see some of Jeff too, but I will be saving his pictures for his birthday post! Today, I turn 28 years old. It is hard to believe that this many years have gone by. I am blessed to have grown up in a wild, crazy, loving household and have siblings who I love dearly. My parents always made birthdays special, and I hope to make memories like that for Lily and our next baby.
So, since I was sentimental today, her are some shots of me when I was "younger!" Feel free to laugh! I do every time that I see pictures of myself!!

Well, as you can see, I was a rather "large" baby! Blame it on the steroids I had to take. Hey, that is why I turned into such a fast runner :) Lily saw this picture and said, "That baby is fat!"

Sisterly love-when Sarah wasn't hitting me with tennis rackets or pushing me down the stairs in a stroller, we did have some GREAT memories together. Although, notice how happy Sarah was, and how unhappy I appear! I probably wanted to ride her big girl bike!!

Wasn't I sweet?

Now this haircut is blamed on my MOTHER! She attempted to cut my hair right before preschool picture day. This is why I pay big bucks for hair cuts today! The topper-the glasses!

At the age of three, I had quite the attitude. Can you believe I am the same age as Lily here?!

My 4th birthday! Maria, Sarah, and Stephen are also in the picture. I believe Stephen weighs the same now as he did as a baby :)

In case we were confused as to where Lily got her attitude...

Oh, family pictures! I just went from one bad hair style to another. Nothing like the "mushroom top" as I like to call it!

Summer softball! One of my stats on the back of this card: weight-50 pounds! Take note: this is also the year my husband was graduating from high school. Bet he never thought he would snag such an athletic hottie!

Again-the glasses! Why didn't they take them off for pictures??

One of my favorite Easter pictures of all times! We were all so "springy!"

Okay-this is one of my senior pictures! I look like a baby still!!!