Sunday, February 28, 2010

Happy Birthday Caitlyn!

The Birthday Girl!

Callie being silly...

everybody loved the slides

forgot to post this one of ty and lily earlier...

Today is our niece Caitlyn's 2nd Birthday!! We were able to celebrate with her in Columbus, OH today at an ice cream party. Lily had a blast running around the play area and eating yummy treats. There were lots of kids to play with too! Thanks for a great day Danny, Jen, and Caitlyn. It was great to see you! :)

Blanket Making

This weekend, we headed to Dayton to do our blanket community service project. Jeff, Pat, Sarah, and I each had to make a tie knot blanket to get our free Disney World ticket. We are going there in July!! Here are some pics of our craftiness!

Jeff was a good supervisor!

the boys made camo dinosaur blankets!

finished blankets

kid tested...

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Story Time!

It is so much fun to see Lily's play changing...she is becoming very imaginative! Tonight, I asked her if she wanted to read books. She picked out 4 Dr. Seuss books and Goodnight Moon. We hopped on her bed, and SHE wanted to read them to me. She would say a few words from the book that she has memorized and then say "the end." Later, I saw her bring all her stuffed animals and books to the couch. She lined up her animals by a book. She said "it's story time." Jeff and I watched as she opened the books for each animal. Sooo cute! Of course, the teacher in me is so proud that she is wanting to read.

this is Lily setting everything up for story time

here you can see her animals with open books

she is "reading" to minnie and piglet in this one...I kid you not, Jeff and I had nothing to do with any of this!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Another Fun Day!

What a nice day :) We were able to get some things done at home. Jeff relaxed with Lily in the afternoon while I ran 16 miles. Even though it was on the treadmill, it was a comfortable run. My second new pairs on running shoes (I took the other pair back after one run because they were giving me awful blisters) felt really good! Then, Lily and I headed to the Children's Museum. It was actually free day, so it was a cheap date! She loves running around there, and it gave her a chance to be out of the house. I love this age because she really in understanding and thinking about how things work. I constantly see her mind turning! We also had Pizza King for dinner. Couldn't ask for a better Saturday.

digging for dinosaur bones was her favorite part

Monday, February 15, 2010

Weekend Activities

Today, my mom, dad, Hannah, Lily, Ty and I braved the snow flurries and headed to the Indy Children's Museum. It was actually free admission, so it was a great day to go. They had so many exhibits and things to do. Lily and Ty played in the Bob the Builder room, we saw lots of Barbies, splashed in the water, dug in the sand, and saw dinos and trains! We had such a nice time. I think the kids were happy to be out of the house. Winter is dragging on!

We also celebrated my Papaw's 78th birthday on Valentine's Day. I posted a few pics of that too!

Happy belated birthday Papaw!...