lily's mohawk...styled by Hannah
the kiddos...enjoying turkey!
this was the food line and beautiful table!

my aunt lisa and cousin ana were fighting over the christmas name drawing sheet...my family is intense!
aaron, angie, and steve
mimi with her babies!
the quinns
the swans

i don't know who has more fun...lily or papaw!
aunt lynn and her family
aunt nancy and her family
uncle jack and his family
our family
uncle joe (his family left early!)
my dad and some of his siblings (3 sisters missing)
grandma helen with some of her grandchildren (can you believe many of missing from this pic!)
grandma with her some of her GREAT grandchildren!
tyler and lillian
We had a wonderful Thanksgiving! As you can see from the pictures, I have a HUGE family! My mom is one of six and my dad is one of eight, so family gatherings are loud and crazy (but fun!). We enjoyed our wonderful meals. Lily and Ty loved running around with all the other kids. Thanks to everyone who helped with both dinners!