Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Well Baby Check-up
Lily had her 18 month check-up today with Dr. Byrn. She is 24.25 lbs (average group) and 33.75 inches tall (off the charts in height). Dr. Byrn says that she is very tall for her age, so we might have a giant on our hands. She doesn't get it from me :) Otherwise, she is a very healthy little girl. She HATES going to the doctor, and there was a bit of a meltdown. The doctor said he could tell she was very independent (hahah!). Her autism screening sheet I filled out seemed to be fine-no problems there. As for sleeping-he would not give many any sedatives, but said to just let her cry...eventually she will figure it out. I, of course, was laughing because I don't think he gets how strong-willed she is. We will try it though! Oh-and she got her last shots until kindergarten-thank goodness!!!
Monday, July 27, 2009
Dayton Visit
road trip-we rolled down all the windows and lily was loving it...the wind was blowing all around her :)
ty is liking the sheep...lily wants down
this is the way to travel!
bright sun!
Summer break is nearing a close for me. Only 2 weeks before I head back to school to begin my 5th year in the classroom. I gone been into school a couple times. I would feel much better about things if I knew for sure what was happening next year (for those of you who don't know-I have yet another principal and many teachers left the building). To enjoy some of my last days of freedom, we did a quick visit to Sarah, Pat and Ty's house this past weekend. Sarah and I got to shop and have dinner all by ourselves. Thanks to Pat and Jeff for taking Lily and Ty to Bass Pro for a wilderness field trip. We enjoyed the time together-without strollers or fussing kids! Sunday, we went to a park/farm to see some animals and walk around. It was a really nice visit, and we appreciate Sarah and Pat opening their house up to us!
Friday, July 24, 2009
18 months old!
newborn lily
3 months
6 months
9 months
12 months
15 months
I cannot believe that Lily is a year and a half today. She has become her own little person, with quite the personality. Despite some recent sleeping issues, we wouldn't have our lily bug any other way! She is happy and healthy and smart. We are amazed that we created such a wonderful little person (I must be a proud mom, going on and on). The past six months Lily has grown and changed so much. I imagine the next six we will find Lily talking a lot more and causing more mischief!
Yesterday, we were able to have some friends over for a visit. All of the ladies who came taught with me at Longfellow. Since most of us had kids around the same time, the kiddos were around the perfect age to play together. Although Lily was a bit cranky at the end, we really enjoyed ourselves and were happy to spend time with everyone!
Monday, July 20, 2009
Moo! Oink! Baa!
My mom talked me into to taking a trip to the Delaware County Fair today with Callie, Lily and Hannah. The 4H kids were showing their animals, so we were able to show the girls all kinds of barnyard life. Lily, of course, was in heaven! Callie wasn't sure what to make of all the strange creatures. It was a fun time! I hope to make it back down for an elephant ear soon :)
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