Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Back to School...
My dad has been using my camera for Hannah's History Day project, so hopefully I can be back to picture posting soon. Spring Break is over, and I am officially on the homestretch of school...last nine weeks! Lily has been having a bit of separation anxiety from me (maybe because of all the time she spent with me). I can't even leave the room or go to the bathroom without a screaming one year old behind me. It is both flattering and annoying :) but I love her and am trying to cherish the fact that she loves me so much! Last night, she actually climbed out of her crib (well...I guess it was somewhat of a fall). We had to take the bumper pads out because she was using them as her boost to get her legs over. Crazy little girl...never a dull moment. Jeff is busy working at his mom and dad's house. It is going to look wonderful! We wish everyone a wonderful week!
Monday, March 23, 2009
Springing into fun!
This weekend, Lily and I went to Dayton. We shopped on Saturday then headed back to Muncie with Sarah and Ty. Sunday after church, we decided to go for a bikeride/run on the trail. The babies only lasted about 1/2 mile before screaming, so they napped while Hannah, Dad and I finished our workout! After a long day, we came home to a new swingset. Jeff added a couple swings and bars to our existing slide. He says he has more plans for a sandbox! He knows Lily and I will need things to do this summer. Today, Lily and I started some spring cleaning (well mostly Lily played while I cleaned windows!). She was excited to color a Minnie Mouse picture (until a big bite was taken out of the purple crayon). I decided to try an edible art project with her-finger painting with pudding. She really enjoyed it!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Ready for Break!
Well, this week has not been too great at work. Parent/teacher conferences got a little rough (a few threats from parents, little support), but luckily tomorrow is Friday and Spring Break begins! I am looking forward to spending time with Lily. Despite her recent fits of thinking the word "no" is funny, her smile is enough to bring up my spirits! Teaching a one year old boundaries is a new, challenging experience. BUT hey, I guess if 3rd graders can't handle them, then what did I expect from my little munchkin'? Hehehe! Here is a picture to send you into the weekend. Chris captured this one for us-Lily could hardly make it through lunch she was so tired!
Monday, March 16, 2009
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Lily's Language
Lily is starting to repeat a lot of what we say. It has been fun trying to get her to communicate and say new words. Here is a video clip of a few of the words she says. She also does pretty good saying "thank you." Sorry that the video won't rotate...I cannot figure it out. If I do, I will change it!
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Spring Fever

Today, Ty, Sarah and Pat arrived in Muncie for Ty's party. Megan came with us to Minnetrista and captured some photographs of the wild one year olds :) Although Lily has been feeling under the weather, Megan was still able to work her magic and capture some great moments. It was such a beautiful day to be outside!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Happy 1st Birthday Tyler!
Happy birthday to our nephew, Ty! He turns one today. We can't wait to celebrate with him this weekend!
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