Sorry this post is a couple days after the fact, but I got really sick the night of Lily's party. I am recovered and excited to share some pictures from Lily's big days (the first party was at my house with immediate family and then Jeff and Sarah celebrated with Lily at my Nana's on Sunday while I was at home sick). I can't believe a year ago we were just bringing our little 7 pound baby girl home from the hospital. Now, at 22 lbs., she is running around (literally), saying words, and making our world a much happier place with her smile! It is cute to see her cart around baby dolls and play with her kitchen set and fake food. Time has gone way too fast, but I have loved every minute of Ms. Lillian! What a wonderful set of family and friends she has been surrounded by these last 12 months. We appreciate everyone who has been a part of it and look forward to many more years of memories!