Thursday, October 30, 2008

9 Month Check-up

Today, Lily visited Dr. Bryn for her 9 month check-up. She is 20 lbs and almost 30 inches tall! He thought she looked great and was very healthy-doing everything that 9 month babies should-even starting to throw tantrums to exhibit her growing independence (oh wonderful!). I was a little concerned because her nose is staying orange from all the veggies, but he said she will grow out of it! Because she is pale skinned, it shows up worse. He advised me not to take her to the tanning bed! :) She got a flu shot and blood taken to check her iron and never even flinched! She was too busy reading the "Animal Farm" book they gave her as her treat!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

9 months old!

happy girl

standing on her favorite stool


keeping her contained!

dancing to music

her new lion walker

playing in one of the boxes

9 months! Hard to believe isn't it? Everyday, I am seeing signs of independence. It is both exciting and sad to watch her grow so quickly. Lily is walking around furniture, standing by herself, and crawling like a mad woman! She wants to be on the move. She has been eating bits of big people food. She loves it! The two bottom teeth finally emerged this month (thank goodness). Dancing and clapping are her new tricks (I am trying to get good video, so watch for it!) She is goofy and fun and full of personality, and we couldn't be more pleased to have Lily as our daughter!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Musicians...

Who needs expensive toys when babies are perfectly happy with pots and pans? I have to say, Ty was a better drummer. Lily is more interested in studying the spoons! We do have a lot of fun watching the two of them together. Lily is learning to be gentle when touching Ty, and Ty is learning to crawl away!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Welcome Callie Marie!

We are happy to add another neice to our family today! Jeff's sister Holly and her husband Eric welcomed a baby girl into the world this morning (right before 6:00 am, I believe) in Minnesota. Her name is Callie Marie Jones. She weighed 6lbs, 6ozs and was 19 inches long. We wish we were there to see her, but they will be back to Muncie soon. Hooray! Another playmate for Lily!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Megan and Matt Knipp-10/18/08

the pretty-and very yummy-cake

the doyles, my mom's side

sarah and patrick

a rare smile from jeff

sarah, steve, lydgia


flower girl emma

flower girl lucia

don't they look like the sisters?

megan and joe-father/daughter dance

sisterly love


beautiful bridesmaids!

My cousin, Megan, got married yesterday to Matt Knipp. It was a beautiful day! I was very happy to get to be a part of this special event. You won't see Lily in any pictures because she was having a very bad day and had to stay home with dad and Grandma Chris. We wish Megan and Matt a wonderful start to their new life together!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Sweet Treats

smoothie and ice cream face

mmmmm...that was tasty

hannah...enjoying herself


most of it landed on her shirt

thanks mimi

papaw being entertaining

the muncie getaway

relaxing after the walk

ty likes the sand

first feel of sand

Sarah and Tyler came for a visit while the dads were away hunting. The moms did get a break on Friday night to go out for Megan's bachelorette party. It was a fun weekend...we even visited Muncie's "Island." It is a smoothie shop off the Cardinal Greenway bike trail.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Water Flip

Lily's mind has been busy learning new things. The video clip shows her flipping the straw on her sippy cup. She knows this will flip water at her and everyone around her. Very amusing! The really funny thing is that she also realized that she had to "reload" the straw with water after awhile to refill it with water to flip. It probably will not be funny here in a couple weeks, but I was laughing at how an 8 month old's mind could come up with this stuff!